English time - week 11th-15th May

Hello children!

Look at the video!
(Copia e incolla il seguente link nella barra di Google):

Take your copybook. 
Draw and write in your copybook.

Monday, 11th May 2020

What time is it?

Read and put a tick (ѵ).

What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at seven o’ clock.

What time do you have lunch? I have lunch at half past one.
What time do you have dinner? I have dinner at half past seven.

And you? Answer. (Rispondi)

1) What time do you have breakfast? _______________________________
2) What time do you have lunch? __________________________________
3) What time do you have dinner? _________________________________

have breakfast get up go to bed
put on your clothes watch TV have a shower

What time do you ………………….?   


What time do you…………………..? 
 I...............................at ....................................

What time do you ………………….?
 I............................at .......................................

What time do you………………….?

  I ...............................at....................................

 What time do you…………………? 
 I.............................at ........................................

 What time do you………………..?

 I...........................at ...........................................


Look at the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQcnZ2JWsY

Write: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

When’s Maths?  Maths is on Monday.

1) When’s Geography? _______________________________________
2) When’s Science? __________________________________________
3) When’s PE? ______________________________________________
4) My favourite subject is: _____________________________________
5) My favourite day of the week is: ______________________________

Lavorate sul quadernone. Rispondete alle domande e completate le frasi.
Resto in attesa di ricevere la foto degli esercizi per la correzione.

Bye, bye,

Teacher Lucia

